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(An actual photo of him!)
Prayer to Jesus Christ
Lord Jesus Christ, You promised, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you."
I take comfort in these words. With confidence I ask, through the intercession of St. Alberic, that all non-Christians come to
know, love and serve you. I pray that they too may one day take comfort in you.
Help me to seek You with all my heart, and to do Your will by serving my neighbors. O Lord, please grant all Your children on
earth Your peace and justice, and let them be free from warfare, deprivation, and evil. I ask this especially for those who suffer
the greatest.
Do not consider what I truly deserve, but forgive my failures, and let me cherish the fullness of Your love.
Recite the Our Father
Prayer to Mary Mother of God
Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, and my mother too, you were a loving consolation to St. Alberic, giving him peace, serenity and
courage. I pray for your intercession, with St. Alberic, to ask Jesus to bring all people to salvation. Help us to live in witness to
Him, with generosity of spirit, and love for all.
Recite the Hail Mary
Prayer to St. Alberic
Holy Saint Alberic, missionary and martyr, you gave your life to bring the message of the Gospel to non-Christians.
Please ask Jesus, the Master of the harvest to bring us an abundance of missionary vocations, to that everyone my come to
know, love and serve the one true God; to help our missionaries all over the world to grow in love and dedication to their service in
Your name; to help me, and all those for whom I now pray, by granting these favors:
(Mention your petitions.)
Finally, I ask you to help me live my faith with the same heroic fervor that you did during your life on earth. Amen.
Recite the Glory be to the Father
PIME Missionaries
17330 Quincy St., Detroit, Michigan 48221
(313) 342-4066
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St. Alberic Crescitelli, PIME, was born June 30, 1863 in southern Italy. He entered the
seminary at age 12. An excellent student, he earned bachelor’s degrees in philosophy, theology and canon law; doctorate degrees in philosophy and
theology; and was ordained in 1887 from the Pontifical Seminary of Sts. Peter and Paul in Rome.*
The next year, he made the rigorous journey to his mission post in southern Shaanxi, China, where he immersed himself in the Chinese
culture. To assimilate with the Chinese people he adopted their style of dress and changed his name to “Kuo Si-Teh”. In 1900, after
working in various missions, he was assigned to Ningqiang Province. On July 20, 1900 in the village of Yanzibian (where there were
many catechumens) his friends warned him of terrorists on a campaign to kill all foreigners and urged him to escape and hide. But a
traitor among them entrapped him, causing his capture.
He was viciously slashed and beaten, and the next morning he was dragged along the riverbank and beheaded as an example for all to see.
For his heroic faith, Alberic Crescitelli was beatified by Pope Pius XII February 18, 1951 and canonized a saint October 1, 2000 by Pope
John Paul II, along with many other Christians martyred during China’s Boxer Rebellion.
* The Pontifical Seminary of Saints Peter and Paul in Rome merged with the Seminary for Foreign Missions in Milan in 1926 to form
the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME). – St. Alberic is one of 18 PIME martyrs.
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